TechNovelgy – Where Science Meets Fiction
Grades 5 and up, with parental supervision
This website offers a free archive that enables you to explore the inventions and predictions of science fiction writers that have come true or are coming true in today’s world. There are over 3,200 different inventions archived that were first introduced through the imaginations of science fiction writers.
When you get to the site you can explore the featured items on the home page, or use the menu at the top of the page to search by Dictionary, Author, Book, or Timeline. Once you find a topic that interests you, click on it and a new page opens. That page may contain some or all of the following:
- A blurb from the novel mentioning the invention or idea
- Commentary about the idea including comparisons and similarities to other sci-fi technology mentioned in other novels, television shows, and movies
- Links to science articles that discuss the current development of these inventions and ideas in today’s world
- Links to real-world video demonstrations of the inventions
- Links to websites with further information.
If this doesn’t generate interest in reading a sci-fi novel, we don’t know what will. It will also springboard students to want to learn more about science and technology.
NOTE: We only reviewed a sampling of what’s available on this website, so AS ALWAYS, parents should preview and supervise their children’s exploration – not only to determine the suitability of content on the Technovelgy website but because the links take you to other websites that we have not reviewed.
One more piece of advice: Read the FAQs (see link at the bottom of the homepage). We found them to be helpful and we think you will too.