Posts Tagged ‘nouns’

Amazing Guide to Grammar and Writing

June 16th, 2021

Capital Community College Foundation – Guide to Grammar and Writing


Grades 3-11, with parental supervision

When you get to the site you will see a menu of topics with search buttons below them. Click on the “arrow down” on any search button and you will see a drop-down menu of the amazing range of topics covered in that category as follows:

  • Word & Sentence Level — adjectives, adverbs, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, etc.
  • Paragraph Level — paragraph development, sentence variety, sentence combining, etc.
  • Essay & Research Paper Level — principles of composition, outlining, organization, structure, tone, formatting, plagiarism, etc.
  • Ask Grammar, Quizzes, Search Devices — Take interactive quizzes to test your knowledge of grammar.
  • Peripherals and PowerPoints — instructions, suggestions, resources, and demos for PowerPoint presentations.

Click on any topic in the drop-down menu and a new page opens with instructions delivered through text and illustration. Clear examples of the correct and incorrect forms are provided as well. Interactive quizzes at the end of each lesson allow the student to self-test their knowledge of the subject matter.

This site is equivalent to having a complete English textbook online for free. The interactive element of the quizzes makes this rather dry material much more appealing to students.

Inspire Creative Writing and Poetry

April 7th, 2021


Grades 5-12, with parental supervision


This website offers a free, unique, and engaging tool to inspire creative writing and poetry.

The idea here is to: 

  1. Select a background picture from an array of beautiful, striking, and surprising images. (Parents, as always, should preview to determine suitability.)
  2. Drag-and-drop word tiles displayed below the background picture to create a short story or poem inspired by the image in the photograph.
  3. Edit the story or poem to create a satisfying literary work of any length.

This gadget is modeled after the magnetic word tiles that many people have on their refrigerators. As explained on the website, “The object is to put the right words in the right place and the right order to capture the essence, story, and meaning of the picture.”

When you get to the site you’ll see a picture with word tiles below it. You can dive right in – or, if you would prefer some instruction on how to use this tool effectively, click on “Lesson Plans” on the horizontal menu bar at the top of the page, then click on the tutorial. Also, check out the lesson plans: 

  • Types of PIC-LITs – Get some basic tips along with ideas on how to use the word tiles to write a simple caption, a compound sentence, and a paragraph.
  • Parts of Speech – Nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, and more with links to YouTube videos on how to use PIC-LITs for each.
  • Poetry – Explore a series of “advanced” lesson plans on how to write poems – including the use of figurative languages such as metaphors, similes, allusion, personification, irony, imagery, and more.

You can post the finished work in the public gallery, save them in your own free account file, e-mail the results, or link to them on Facebook – a clever way to inspire the young writers at your house!

Learn the Basics of Russian

March 20th, 2021


Grades 6-12, with parental supervision


This ad-supported website helps lays the foundation for learning Russian.

Use the left-hand menu to select lessons that teach: 

  • Russian alphabet
  • Names of letters
  • Pronunciation: Cons.
  • Pronunciation: Vowels
  • Noun Gender/Number
  • Cases of Nouns
  • Russian Greetings
  • Personal Pronouns
  • 1000 Common Words
  • 500 Russian Verbs
  • Top Russian Nouns

Lessons include an explanation of the topic and most include clickable audio files. There are also some video lessons, tests, and quizzes, and learning games scattered throughout.

Selecting the “Start Learning Russian” under the “Browse Topics” section of the menu will bring up a page with a simple plan that includes links to specific lessons. Also in the “Browse Topics” menu, you will find pages that provide links to other resources and topics such as dictionaries, writing in Russian, folk music, Russian culture, and much more.

This website provides a good starting point for learning Russian.

Learn Grammar through Song

February 17th, 2021

Garden of Praise: Grammar Songs


Grades K-5, with parental supervision


This ad-supported website was created by a veteran classroom teacher and provides free songs that teach grammar along with online and printable activities and materials to reinforce learning. The idea here is that learning rote grammar rules and parts of speech is easier when set to music.

When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu of parts of speech including: 

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Articles
  • Punctuation

Below the menu, are instructions for how to teach the lessons using the songs and printable cards and posters.

Click on any menu item, and a new page opens with a definition, examples, a link to the song (with music and lyrics), as well as links to downloadable activities. (For example, if you click on “Noun,” you’ll be able to access a crossword puzzle in pdf, and a link to another website containing an interactive noun game.)

Free, Fun, “Parts of Speech” Tutorial & More!

October 14th, 2020


It’s Wednesday, October 14, 2020, and time for Language Arts at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Parts of Speech Tutorial


Age Range: 7-10 (Grades 2-6, with parental supervision)


This fun “Parts of Speech Tutorial” is comprised of a series of animated games that help kids identify and use nouns, adjectives, verbs, commas, and capitals. It’s part of the massive, ad-supported Sheppard Software website that offers hundreds of free learning games for children in language arts, math, science, history and more.

When you get to the website you’ll see a picture of a stage. Click on the word “Play” on the stage curtain to create a character using nouns, adjectives, and verbs. If you’re uncertain of those parts of speech, then look at the menu on the left side of the page to find educational games that include:

  • Noun Explorer – Learn the definition of a noun and use it to feed fish in the animated game.
  • Adjective Adventure – Select fly adjectives and use them to feed the spiders.
  • Verbs in Space – Use verbs to hammer robot aliens in space.
  • Magical Capital – Help a fairy capitalize words in sentences.
  • Comma Chameleon – Select punctuation marks and help the chameleon place them in a sentence correctly.

Once you play those games, go back to the main page to build your character for the stage. This is an engaging way to help kids learn and practice parts of speech.
When you’ re finished, be sure to click on the words “Sheppard Software” at the top of the screen to explore all of the learning games offered at this site. You’ll want to bookmark it to return often.

Learn Esperanto! What’s That? Find Out!

August 22nd, 2020


It’s Saturday, August 22, 2020, and time for Foreign Languages at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Learn Esperanto!


Age Range: 7 and up (Grades 2 and up; children with parental supervision)


This website offers a free, fun introduction to Esperanto – a language that was developed to help worldwide communication.

It is not spoken by any particular country or ethnic group; however, it has similarities to Latin, Germanic and Slavic words. Esperanto was deliberately designed to be simple for everyone to learn. It is highly phonetic, making it easy to read, pronounce, and spell.

It was introduced at the end of the 19th century to promote tolerance in worldwide communications as it doesn’t favor any particular people, country, or culture through its use. There are Esperanto websites, clubs, seminars, books, music and more.

Because you can learn the language quickly, kids can speak “Esperanto” around the house, as a sort of “secret language.” Sign up for the free course: it even comes with a tutor!

Some of the lessons include: 

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives
  • The Alphabet
  • Salutations
  • Numbers
  • And more!

Each lesson has an explanation and then a quiz or exercise to practice what you’ve learned. This course won’t have you speaking fluent Esperanto by the end of the lessons, but it will have introduced you to the basic principles of the language.
