Posts Tagged ‘microscopy’

Virtually Explore the Life Found in Pond Water!

September 7th, 2021 A Virtual Pond Dip


Grades 2-12; children with parental supervision

This website allows you to virtually explore pond life and all of the amazing microscopic critters that live there!

When you get to this site you will see a picture of a collection jar with pond water and lots of unusual creatures in it along with instructions on how to begin your investigation.

Click on any one of the items in the jar, and a new page opens with detailed information about it. You’ll examine:

  • Protozoa
  • Algae
  • Copepod
  • Paramecium
  • Amoeba
  • Hydra
  • Water Flea
  • Rotifers
  • Ostracod

If you click on the words “Pond Life Identification Kit” in the introduction, a new page opens with a terrific guide that will help you identify pond life — and it provides instructions on how to collect microscopic pond life from freshwater ponds wherever you live.

There are links to websites that use multi-media tools for extensive study of pond life as well.

Use the horizontal menu tab at the top of the page to explore an archive of microscopy including:

  • Intro – Read the history of the microscope, find out how to buy a microscope, explore insects, botany, and marine life.
  • Museum – Explore the “Micropolitan Museum” that includes incredible photos of specimens from freshwater and marine environments. Check out “The Insectarium,” and “The Botanical Garden” too.
  • 3-D Images – Don’t miss this incredible archive of 3-D computer models of insects, flowers, bacteria, viruses, and much more!

This is a great tool to help you begin microscopic examinations with your children/students — even if you don’t own a microscope or have a real pond in your neighborhood.

Visit the Micropolitan Museum

April 6th, 2018


It’s Friday, April 6, 2018, and time for a Virtual Field Trip at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

The Micropolitan Museum


Age Range: All (All grades; children with parental supervision)


Take a unique virtual field trip into the world of micro-organisms with this site from the Micscape Magazine.

The curator of the online museum, Wim van Egmond, “has collected the finest microscopic masterpieces nature has ever produced.”

When arriving at today’s link, select from the four collections to begin your tours: 

  • The Freshwater Collection
  • The Marine Collection
  • The Insectarium
  • The Botanical Garden

When the collection page opens, click on the thumbnail images on the left to choose an exhibit, then choose the micro-organism to see amazing pictures and learn about the organism. Use your back button or the icons on the bottom of the page to navigate through the different collections. It takes a little work to navigate around but it is well worth it to see the artistic beauty of these life forms. 

Before leaving the site, click the home icon in the upper menu, then locate the “Questions and Answers” text link to find “tutorials for microscopists, beginners, and articles on how to get the best out of a microscope.” 

This website would be a wonderful addition for your science studies, so bookmark this page as new images are being added regularly.

Fantastic Cell & Science Animations!

January 30th, 2018


It’s Tuesday, January 30, 2018, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

CELLS Alive!


Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 4-12 approximately, with parental supervision)


This terrific, ad-supported site offers free animations, interactive and colorful illustrations, amazing photography, and interesting text to help visitors learn about the many forms and functions of cellsIt was developed by a photographer with 30 years of experience capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research.

When you get to the site, click on a link of interest or scroll over “Contents” in the menu bar to explore categories that include: 

  • Cell Biology – Learn about the structure of plant, animal, and bacterial cells that includes interactive animation of mitosis and meiosis, and a quiz to check your knowledge on cell structure and function.
  • Microbiology – Get familiar with viruses, bacteria, and parasites from E.coli to strep to HIV – and take the quiz on microbes.
  • Immunology – Don’t miss the anatomy of a splinter, the workings of allergies and mites, making antibodies, and take the quiz on the immune system.
  • Microscopy – Get the scoop on the latest techniques for cell imaging and research and visit The Crystal Gallery for some eye-popping microscope images.

Under “Explore” in the menu bar, you can also examine cell models, view an animation of the cell cycle (mitosis), watch the “Cell Cams” that let you see in real time how long it takes for cancer cells and bacteria cells to double. Solve some puzzles and take some quizzes too.

You can purchase downloads, but no purchase is necessary to access the free content. 

This is a “must see” site for anyone studying the sciences in grades 6 and up. Younger students will find aspects of it interesting too  – parents can preview the site to determine which parts will be of the most interest to their kids. Bookmark this site to return often.

Science In A Pond

September 26th, 2017


It’s Tuesday, September 26, 2017, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website: A Virtual Pond Dip


Age Range: 7-18 (Grades 2-12, with parental supervision)


This website allows you to virtually explore pond life and all of the amazing microscopic critters that live there!

When you get to this site you will see a picture of a collection jar with pond water and lots of unusual creatures in it along with

instructions on how to begin your investigation.

Click on any one of the items in the jar, and a new page opens with detailed information about it. You’ll examine:

  • Protozoa
  • Algae
  • Copepod
  • Paramecium
  • Amoeba
  • Hydra
  • Water Flea
  • Rotifers
  • Ostracod

If you click on the words “Pond Life Identification Kit” in the introduction, a new page opens with a terrific guide that will help you identify pond life – and it provides instructions on how to collect microscopic pond life from freshwater ponds wherever you live.

There are links to websites that use multi-media tools for extensive study of pond life as well.

Use the horizontal menu tab at the top of the page to explore an archive of microscopy including: 

  • Intro – Read the history of the microscope, find out how to buy a microscope, explore insects, botany, and marine life.
  • Museum – Explore the “Micropolitan Museum” that includes incredible photos of specimens from freshwater and marine environments. Check out “The Insectarium,” and “The Botanical Garden” too.
  • 3-D Images – Don’t miss this incredible archive of 3-D computer models of insects, flowers, bacteria, viruses, and much more!

This is a great tool to help you begin microscopic examinations with your children/students – even if you don’t own a microscope or have a real pond in your neighborhood.

Free Molecular Investigations for Students

September 8th, 2015


It’s Tuesday, September 8, 2015, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Molecular Expressions: Powers of 10



Age Range: 9 and up (Grades 3-adult; children with parental supervision)


This website offers free activities that allow students to explore the fascinating world of optical microscopy through amazing color photographs. You’ll see images of the cellular levels of everything from hamburgers to superconductors.

When you get to the site, you will see a brief introduction that explains that you are about to take a virtual journey from the Milky Way to the microscopic world. In successive orders of magnitude, journey from the Milky Way Galaxy “into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.” When you are through watching the display, use the menu on the left side of the screen to explore: 

  • Optics Timeline – See highlights of important events and developments in the science of optics from prehistory to the beginning of the 21st century.
  • Student Activities – Investigate light, optics, and color with an assortment of online activities. Discover more about:
    • Animal Vision
    • Eclipses
    • Cameras and Photography
    • Binoculars, Periscopes, & Kaleidoscopes
    • 3D Images & Holograms
  • Tutorials – Access a curriculum resource package for elementary grade students that combines scientific inquiry, hands-on and interactive computer-based instruction, text, and animated manipulatives for a variety of learning experiences. Some of the activities include:
    • Newton’s Prism Experiments
    • Refraction of Light
    • Microscope Magnification
    • Optical Illusions
    • Human Vision

You can also explore digital video galleries to learn more about digital microscopes and the spectrum of applications. The content on this site is massive, so bookmark it to return often.

Fantastic Cell & Science Animations!

March 31st, 2015


It’s Tuesday, March 31, 2015, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


Cells Alive!


Age Range: 10 and up (Grades 4-12, children with parental supervision)


This terrific, ad-supported site offers free animations, interactive and colorful illustrations, amazing photography, and interesting text to help visitors learn about the many forms and functions of cells. It was developed by a photographer with 30 years of experience capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research. When you get to the site, use the menu to explore categories that include:

*Cell Biology – Learn about the structure of plant, animal, and bacterial cells that includes interactive animation of mitosis and meiosis, and a quiz to check your knowledge on cell structure and function.

*Microbiology – Get familiar with viruses, bacteria, and parasites from E.coli to strep to HIV – and take the quiz on microbes.

*Immunology – Don’t miss the anatomy of a splinter, the workings of allergies and mites, making antibodies, and take the quiz on the immune system.

*Microscopy – Get the scoop on the latest techniques for cell imaging and research and visit The Crystal Gallery for some eye-popping microscope images.

You can also examine cell models, view an animation of the cell cycle, watch the “Cell Cams” that let you see in real time how long it takes for cancer cells and bacteria cells to double. Solve some puzzles and take some quizzes too.

You can purchase downloads, but no purchase is necessary to access the free content.

This is a “must see” site for anyone studying the sciences in grades 6 and up. Younger students will find aspects of it interesting too  – parents can preview the site to determine which parts will be of the most interest to their kids. Bookmark this site to return often.
