Microscopy-UK.org: A Virtual Pond Dip
Grades 2-12; children with parental supervision
This website allows you to virtually explore pond life and all of the amazing microscopic critters that live there!
When you get to this site you will see a picture of a collection jar with pond water and lots of unusual creatures in it along with instructions on how to begin your investigation.
Click on any one of the items in the jar, and a new page opens with detailed information about it. You’ll examine:
- Protozoa
- Algae
- Copepod
- Paramecium
- Amoeba
- Hydra
- Water Flea
- Rotifers
- Ostracod
If you click on the words “Pond Life Identification Kit” in the introduction, a new page opens with a terrific guide that will help you identify pond life — and it provides instructions on how to collect microscopic pond life from freshwater ponds wherever you live.
There are links to websites that use multi-media tools for extensive study of pond life as well.
Use the horizontal menu tab at the top of the page to explore an archive of microscopy including:
- Intro – Read the history of the microscope, find out how to buy a microscope, explore insects, botany, and marine life.
- Museum – Explore the “Micropolitan Museum” that includes incredible photos of specimens from freshwater and marine environments. Check out “The Insectarium,” and “The Botanical Garden” too.
- 3-D Images – Don’t miss this incredible archive of 3-D computer models of insects, flowers, bacteria, viruses, and much more!
This is a great tool to help you begin microscopic examinations with your children/students — even if you don’t own a microscope or have a real pond in your neighborhood.