Posts Tagged ‘microorganisms’

Science Games for Kids!

February 23rd, 2016


It’s Tuesday, February 23, 2016, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Science Kids


Age Range: 6-18 (Grades 1-12, with parental supervision)


This New Zealand-based website offers all kinds of fun and interactive games that teach science and technology.

When you get to the ad-supported site, you’ll see a brief introduction and a menu of science games including: 

  • Living Things – Learn about food chains, microorganisms, the life cycle of a plant, animals, and human anatomy and health.
  • Physical Processes – Explore electricity, magnets and springs, light, forces, sounds, friction, and more.
  • Solids, Liquids, & Gases – Discover the matter that makes up our earth. Experiment with water, melting points, rocks, minerals, and more.

Just click on a game to get instructions and begin play.

When you’re through playing all of the science games, explore the rest of the menu including: 

  • Experiments – Get interesting facts about nature, dinosaurs, famous scientists, forensic science, and more.
  • Quizzes – Test your knowledge of space, chemistry, biology, physics, atoms, states of matter, and more.
  • Projects – Get instructions for making a string phone, a robot, stalactites and stalagmites, a microscope, a rain gauge and much more.
  • Lessons – Try these lesson plans designed to teach students the basics of science.
  • Videos – Watch animations and film clips that explain weather, physics, chemistry, sports science, video game technology and more.

This is a remarkable science resource you can refer to again and again.

Free Biology and Life Science

April 1st, 2014


It’s Tuesday, April 1, 2014, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:




Age Range: 5-adult (Grades K-12, with parental supervision)


This ad-supported website is sponsored by the same folks who created some of our favorite sites for kids such as,, and
On the site they are quick to tell you that it’s not just biology for kids, it’s for everyone. It offers a wide variety of free, engaging activities and quizzes to help kids learn and practice a variety of biology strands.

When you get to the website you will see the menu. Click on any title and a new page opens that contains an introduction to that biology strand and, on most pages, a recommended activity and/or quiz. There is a lot to learn – you can click on these titles from the main menu:

  • Biology Overview
  • Scientific Method
  • Cell Structure
  • Cell Function
  • Microorganisms
  • Plants
  • Invertebrates
  • Vertebrates
  • Animal Systems

Go to the site map to view the overwhelming amount of information available about core biology and life science on Biology4kids. If you’re looking for some detailed examples don’t forget to look at the examples page or use the search engine on the right.

Science Games for Kids!

March 20th, 2012

Hi!  It’s Tuesday, March 20, 2012 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!
Recommended Website:
Science For Kids

Age Range: 6-18 (grades 1-12, with parental supervision)

This New Zealand based website offers all kinds of fun and interactive games that teach science and technology.

When you get to the ad-supported site, you’ll see a brief introduction and a menu of science games sorted as follows:

*Living Things – Learn about food chains, microorganisms, the life cycle of a plant, animals, and human anatomy and health.

*Physical Processes – Explore electricity, magnets and springs, light, forces, sounds, friction, and more.

*Solids, Liquids, & Gases – Discover the matter that makes up our earth.  Experiment with water, melting points, rocks, minerals, and more.

Just click on a game to get instructions and begin play.

When you’re through playing all of the science games, explore the rest of the menu including:

*Experiments – Get interesting facts about nature, dinosaurs, famous scientists, forensic science, and more.

*Quizzes – Test your knowledge of space, chemistry, biology, physics, atoms, states of matter, and more.

*Projects – Get instructions for making a string phone, a robot, stalactites and stalagmites, a microscope, a rain gauge and much more.

*Lessons – Try these lesson plans designed to teach students the basics of science.

*Videos – Watch animations and film clips that explain weather, physics, chemistry, sports science, video game technology and more.

This is a remarkable science resource you can refer to again and again.


Biology for Kids

February 8th, 2011

Hi!  It’s Tuesday, February 8, 2011 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:

Age Range: 9 and up (approximately, with parental supervision)

This website is part of the 4Kids series of sites (some of which have been featured on ClickSchooling previously). This one, Biology4Kids is an ad-supported site that offers engaging information, activities and resources for learning Biology.

When you get to the site, directly below the headline, you’ll find a menu of the general categories that will take you to active learning pages and quizzes that include:

*Studies – Discover the Scientific Method, Logic & Reasoning, Animal Kingdoms, Taxonomy, Species and more.

*Cell Structure & Function – Learn about Membrane Proteins, Cell Walls, Chromosomes, Mitochondria, Vacuoles and find out the meaning of Passive Transport, Active Transport, Pinocytosis, Mitosis and Meiosis.

*Plants – Explore the anatomy of a plant and learn about Photosynthesis,  Reproduction, Mosses & Liverworts, Ferns & Horsetails, and more.

*Activities – Take quizzes to see what you’ve learned, and watch informative slide shows and videos.

*More Topics – This section contains a menu of everything available on the site as described above, plus information about:

  • Microorganisms – Check out microscopic images of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichen, Microbes and more.
  • Invertebrates – Get an overview of spineless critters such as Sponges, Starfish, Jellyfish, Round Worms, Insects, Spiders, Scorpions and more.
  • Vertebrates – Learn about Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals.
  • Animal Systems – Explore the Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Reproduction, and Nervous systems.

In each section of this website you’ll find information, illustrations, and diagrams along with quizzes, slideshows and videos to enhance learning.

If it’s all a little confusing, simply follow the “On Site Tour” by clicking on the button near the bottom of each page.  It will take you through all of the material on the site in a prescribed order.

While most of the links on this site work, I did run across a few that didn’t work. However, by clicking around a bit I could find my way to the page that the link referenced. 

IMPORTANT: It is very easy to mistakenly click on random Google Ads that are sprinkled throughout the text/pages on the site and wind up off site. It happened to me a couple of times. Therefore, AS ALWAYS, parents must preview and supervise use of the site at all times.



Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling

Hands-On Biology Activities for Grades 6-12

March 11th, 2008

Recommended Website:
Serendip: Hands-On Activities for Teaching Biology

ClickSchooling list member Nancy Hogan suggested this website that offers FREE hands-on activities for teaching biology to middle school and high school students.

These activities were designed by a graduate student of the Biology Department at the University of Pennsylvania who notes,

“The expression ‘hands-on, minds-on’ summarizes the philosophy we have incorporated in these activities – namely, that students will learn best if they are actively engaged and if their activities are closely linked to understanding important biological concepts.”

When you get to the site you’ll see an introduction followed by the lessons with Student Handouts and Teacher Preparation Notes available in either PDF or Word formats. (You can also access the activities by clicking on the “Table of Contents” menu on the right side of the screen.) The activities cover a broad range of biological topics and are presented in one *possible* effective sequence for learning biology. Here is a sample of activity titles:

  • Is Yeast Alive?
  • Moldy Jell-O
  • Diffusion: Molecular Transport across Membranes
  • Mitosis, Meiosis and Fertilization
  • Dragon Genetics
  • DNA
  • Microorganisms Everywhere
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Luminescent Bacteria
  • Invertebrate Diversity
  • Regulation of Human Heart Rate
  • Studying Our Senses
  • and more!

As noted at the website, most of the activities can be carried out with minimum equipment and expense for supplies. Sources for the equipment and supplies you’ll need are provided in the printable “Teacher Preparation Notes.”

E-Field Trip to Explore Yellowstone’s Thermal Life Forms – Begins Sept 8

September 7th, 2004

Recommended Website:
Windows Into Wonderland: Hot Colors – Windows into Hidden Worlds

Don’t miss this! The National Science Institute and Thermal Biology Institute at Montana State University have teamed up to offer Yellowstone National Park’s newest Electronic Field Trip that premieres tomorrow, September 8th! Parents and educators are encouraged to visit the website today, and preview the E-Trip (that uses science fiction to teach students about microorganisms found in Yellowstone’s hot springs) before it premieres tomorrow.

In this interactive, multi-media, electronic adventure, a submarine capable of miniaturization has been pirated from the imaginary Yellowstone Ministry of Mysteries – and students are on the mission to retrieve it! While treking through the park’s colorful hot springs students will experience the hidden worlds of microorganisms. These are worlds where human life cannot exist, where organisms draw energy from chemicals as well as from sunlight, where extremes are the norm and where scientists glean clues about life on our planet.

When you get to the website, you will see a brief introduction. Choose the bandwidth you want to view the field trip, and then click on the “Hot Colors” icon to begin the trip that includes scripted dialogue, animations, streaming video and audio content.

Before you begin, you may want to click on the “For Teachers” link to access lesson plans correlated with National Education Standards, quizzes, and links to websites for further study.

While this is designed for a middle school audience — parents may find much of the material and information presented suitable for students of a wide age/grade range. This really is something the whole family can enjoy together.

The program lasts approximately 50 minutes.

A really neat feature of this E-Trip is that students can ask questions of scientists and experts by posting to a message board that will open at 9:00 a.m. MDT on September 8 and will close at 4:00 p.m. MDT on September 10. Participation is free to all, and you will still be able to see all of the questions and answers after the message board closes.

“Windows Into Wonderland” is an excellent demonstration of how the Internet is changing and reshaping the classroom of the future.

By the way, there are 9 other E-Trips archived at this website – if you visit the menu of them
you can also register for free to receive announcements about new e-trips as they become available.
