Grades 6 and up, with parental supervision
This archived website offers free videos on science, technology, engineering and mathematics that provide a fundamental understanding of the principles of nature and the physical world.
When you get to the site you’ll see the video icon menu containing an archive of scientific videos which can all be viewed from this non-profit website. The videos cover a broad range of topics such as:
- Interviews with Scientists – Including Nobel prize-winners in the fields of physics, medicine, chemistry, and more.
- Careers in Science – Interviews with a biochemist, ecologist, entomologist, food scientist, cosmologist, computer engineer, quantum chemist, robotics engineer and more!
- Issues of Concern – Scientists and politicians discuss their primary world concerns including climate change, malaria, etc.
- Masterclass Science Videos – Scientists share their personal views on key concepts and achievements as well as their approach to the scientific method. Topics include bird flight, life in space, and states of matter.
- The Next Big Thing – Scientists discuss antimatter, cloning, defying death, energy, artificial intelligence, safety of mobile phones, nanotechnology, and “The Theory of Everything!”
- Educational Resources – A selection of short instructional films (for school or home study use) on wind power, electricity, transistors, nanotubes, bucky ball workshops, states of matter workshops (solids, liquids and gases) and more.
Scientists guided the development of the videos so that the content is presented in a natural and engaging way that is intellectually challenging.