Posts Tagged ‘light’

Discover Women in American History

March 5th, 2020


It’s Thursday, March 5, 2020, and time for Social Sciences at



Recommended Website:

National Women’s History Museum Online Exhibits


Age Range: 11-18 (Grades 6-12, with parental supervision)


March is Women’s History Month! Dig deeper into the role of women in American history when you visit this website.

The current online exhibits include topics such as: 

  • Outdoor Adventurers
  • Standing Up for Change
  • The Women of NASA
  • Women in STEM
  • Fashioning Yourself!
  • Game Changers
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Women in the Olympics
  • First Ladies Timeline
  • Timeline: The History of Nursing
  • Sojourner Truth

And there is so much more! This in-depth website provides images and articles that bring to light the many contributions and accomplishments that women have had throughout history. While visiting this website, be sure to check out the Students & Educators tab where you will find: 

  • Digital Classroom Resources
  • Biographies – where you can sort in different ways for easier searching
  • Topics to Explore
  • Women Leading the Way
  • Where are the Women – Curriculum Study
  • And more!

From the women of Jamestown through the entrepreneurial women of today, there is much to discover about the role of women in America’s diverse history!

Free Kids Music

January 5th, 2019


It’s Saturday, January 5, 2019, and time for Music  at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Free Kids Music


Age Range: 3-12 (Grades PreK-7, with parental supervision)


Many of the songs you’ll find on this site are from talented, independent children’s music artistsThese are complete songs – not samples. As the website explains, the artists post free music downloads here to introduce you to their music with the hope that if you like what you hear, you’ll buy their tunes or book them for a gig.

When you get to the site you’ll see some information about featured artists and their songs in the center of the screen. Use the menu at the top of the page to view: 

  • Artists 1,2,3,4 – This is an alphabetical listing of artists who have free songs available for download on the site. You may not recognize the names of these artists or bands (for example, Oren and the Hiccups) – but you’re sure to have fun getting to know them and their music.
  • Traditional Children’s Songs – Select classic children’s songs by title such as “The Alphabet Song,” “Do Your Ears Hang Low,” “Found A Peanut,” “Frere Jacques,” “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” “Kumbaya,” “This Little Light of Mine,” and many more.
  • Kids Music Videos – View a selection of independent artist YouTube videos of kid songs.

To check out the available music, click on a song title or an artist’s name and a new page opens where you can access their music in a downloadable MP3 file – and you’ll even find lyrics and chords so you can sing or play along.

Please note: We had trouble downloading the MP3 files per the site’s instruction and received an error message about updating browser and Flash plugin. However, we found this work-around that seemed to do the trick: 

  1. Once the song page opens, locate the audio file under the “Free Song Downloads Section.
  2. Look to the upper right of the frame for the stacked windows icon (pop-up window icon). Select this.
  3. When the new window opens, we were now able to right-click to get the “Save link as” option to be able to download the MP3.

Oh, and if you happen to be a children’s music artist, click on “Promote Your Music” and find out how to get your music featured on this site.

Holiday Virtual Field Trips

December 21st, 2018


It’s Friday, December 21, 2018, and time for a Virtual Field Trip at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Spangler Candy Factory


Age Range: All (All grades; children with parental supervision)


Enjoy this tour of a candy cane factory.

The Spangler Candy Company has been manufacturing candy canes since 1954. They make over 2 million candy canes a day! At this site you can take a virtual tour of their factory. They explain the process of mass production of candy canes through text and photographs.

And here are some more holiday field trips:

Virtual Field Trip to a Christmas Tree Farm

When you get to the site, scroll to the bottom and click on “Tour Stop 1: Conifer Seedling” to begin the virtual tour. Then, just follow the prompts (at the bottom of each page) to experience the entire tour.

Virtual Field Trip to an Antique Christmas Lights Museum

This site offers the fascinating explanation of America’s Christmas lighting history from 1900 through the seventies. Through text, illustrations and photographs the site acts as a museum that documents the “golden age” of electric Christmas lighting through a sort of book format, chapter by chapter. Scroll down to Chapter One and click on “Early History of Electric Christmas Lighting in America.” When done, click ‘NEXT’ to get to the next chapter. You’ll see what American Christmases were like without electricity when families used candles to light the tree, and then discover how it changed when electric lights were introduced.

Drawing Portraits Video Lessons

October 20th, 2018


It’s Saturday, October 20, 2018, and time for Art at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

YouTube: Learn to Draw Portraits


Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision)


PARENTAL WARNING: The lessons featured today are on While the content of the “Learn To Draw Portraits” lessons that we have reviewed are suitable for general audiences, the YouTube format is such that you may see questionable content in the sidebars and/or in the comment section (below the video). Both sections continually change. Parents, AS ALWAYS, should review the lessons WITH their children.

This ClickScholar recommended website offers a series of free lessons on how to draw portraits – no previous experience necessary! The artist who developed this entertaining series prefaces the lessons with lectures that offer scientific explanations on how the human eye and brain perceive light and form. Understanding the science behind the art removes the “mystery” of how to create portraits and makes it seem “doable” for amateurs and reluctant artists.

When you get to the site the lessons are listed to the right. Simply select a lesson, watch the video and enjoy the lecture by this quirky, laid back, and very talented artist-instructor. There are 12 video lessons in all that cover:  

  • Value and Contrast
  • Graphite and Eraser
  • Sketching
  • Value Shapes
  • Measuring

While that short list above may seem mundane – the lecture/demonstrations are engaging and you’ll be drawing portraits in no time at all. We posted the age range as 10 and up, but there are aspects of these video lessons that younger children may enjoy as well with constant parental supervision.

The artist, who introduces himself as “Jason,” is also a speed-painter with a sense of humor. In fact, taking a cue from the popular comedian Jeff Foxworthy, he suggests “you might be a redneck if you finger-paint with barbeque sauce” – and, just for fun, demonstrates how to do it on his YouTube channel, Eclectic Asylum Art.

Better stock up on the BBQ sauce before sharing this video with the kids – they’re sure to want to try it!

Free Science Lessons & Interactives!

October 9th, 2018


It’s Tuesday, October 9, 2018, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Young Scientist Lab


Age Range: 5-13 (Grades K-8, with parental supervision)


Discovery Education and 3M Corporation sponsor this website that provides free activities “to capture your curiosity and engage you in the scientific thinking process; while having fun!”

When you get to the site, choose from the 10 activities in pdf format including: 

  • Balloon Rocket
  • Disappearing Glass
  • Sandwich Bag Dartboard
  • Water Jug Race

You’ll also see a menu at the top of the homepage that includes “Teachers,”  “Students” and “Parents.” Under “Teachers,” you’ll find the content sorted by grade range (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) that includes Lesson Plans and Interactives. You can download (pdf) complete lesson plans that teach about recycling, light, adhesives, and more. The Interactives help students discover the real-world science around them. Download animations that explain wind energy, circuitry and the history of innovations.

There is a lot of content to explore on this site including a blog and information on a contest in which your emerging scientists can participate to win prizes (closed for 2018).

Free K-12 Science Lessons, Activities, Videos & More!

September 11th, 2018


It’s Tuesday, September 11, 2018, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Science Kids


Age Range: 5-18 (Grades K-12, with parental supervision)


Your kids will enjoy the free science activities, lessons, videos, projects, experiments, cool facts, quizzes, and games available at this terrific website! They’ll learn about animals, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, weather, space science and more.

When you arrive at the site, you will see an introduction and the highlighted facts and features of the site. You can use the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the page to explore the following topics: 

  • Experiments – Perform cool chemistry experiments and more with materials you’ll find around the house. Float an egg, melt some chocolate, make a vinegar volcano, breed bacteria, make invisible ink, germinate seeds, or make fake snot (ewwww!).
  • Games – Try these challenging interactive games that test your tech skills while teaching the science behind activities that involve magnets, electricity, forces, light, sounds, gases, etc.
  • Facts – “Did you know that the ears of a cricket are located on its front legs?” Get the facts and enjoy fun trivia about animals, planets, the human body, and other fascinating topics.
  • Quizzes – Test your knowledge about elementary science through quizzes with questions ranging from easy to hard. Enjoy printable science word searches and puzzle worksheets too!
  • Projects – Learn about the “scientific method” while you try the science projects offered in every field of science for students in grades K-12. Grow salt crystals, make a kaleidoscope or a simple microscope, learn about forensics and much, much more!
  • Lessons – Get fun and educational science activities for students and lesson plans for teachers from elementary to high school level including resources, ideas, and activities.
  • Images – Use this archive of illustrations, photos, and diagrams to create a science report or project.
  • Videos – Watch incredible video clips of animal behavior, cellular behavior, chemical reactions, and more. See “How-To” videos on everything from making a lemon battery to surviving a bear attack. You’ll find videos on engineering, video game technology, dinosaurs, robots and more!
  • Topics – Get a wide range of teaching resources and ideas on over 30 science topics.

This is an ad-supported website and the ads are randomly generated. Parents, as always, should preview and supervise use.

There are an amazing number of things to do and learn on this site – bookmark it to return often.
