Grades K-12, with parental supervision
This website, developed by two enthusiastic chemistry teachers named Mickey and Lynn, provides a wide assortment of free lessons and activities that teach students of all ages the scientific method through fun, hands-on investigations.
When you get to the site you’ll see a menu of the “Freebies” including:
- Lesson and Lab Exchange – Get hundreds of free, downloadable science lessons for elementary, middle school, and high school students. These lessons run the gamut from teaching chemistry with glitter wands to an 8-part series on forensic science.
- National Chemistry Week – Explore an archive of chemistry lessons and experiments offered during Chemistry Week in 2005-2008.
- Health Science Resources – Enjoy hands-on activities that emphasize water safety, personal hygiene, indoor pollution, chemical safety, skin health, and information on drug-resistant bacteria.
- Terrific Science Movies plus Activities – View a variety of movies (excerpts from the science teachers’ workshops) that include fun animations and activity demonstrations. Some of the movies have accompanying activity instructions.
When you’re through exploring the “Freebies,” poke around the rest of the website for additional information and resources on the art of teaching science.