Grades K-12, with parental supervision
What a find! This website offers FREE math “Downloadable Tutorials”. The tutorials come in the form of both online math videos (via YouTube, with some that are similar to webinars) and interactive eWorkSheets and eWorkBooks that allow students in grades K-12 to learn and practice math with ease.
The downloadable eWorkSheets and eWorkBooks in pdf format can be used at the website or offline. They are editable – in other words you can type in answers using your computer keyboard so you don’t have to print them out to use them. The site emphasizes the fact that “by using Downloadable Tutorials one can save the waste of paper and SAVE TREES, so we encourage you to be GREEN, and help mother nature to survive.” While you can print out the colorful and engaging worksheets and workbooks, they would prefer you didn’t in the interest of being green.
When you get to the site, you’ll see a welcome message and a picture of a ladder with varying grade levels including Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and High School. Click on any one and a new page opens.
- ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SCREEN…you’ll see titles of various math strands and concepts. Place your cursor over them and you’ll see the words “Virtual” and “eWorkBook.” Click on “Virtual” and a new page opens to a series of individual worksheets on that math topic. Click on “eWorkBooks” to download a pdf file containing an editable workbook on that topic. All of the worksheets and workbooks contain colorful illustrations that are sure to engage students. It’s obvious that real care was taken to make this graphically appealing.
- ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE SCREEN…you’ll see the words, “Click Here for Video Tutorials.” Click on it and a menu opens with all the video titles for every grade. Click on any one and enjoy the lesson presentation delivered through YouTube videos that are on the MathEBook website.
Back on the home page, you’ll see a menu bar at the top of the screen. Use it to access the free “Math Dictionary” that defines various math terminology. You can also click on “Download” to see and access the eWorkSheets contained on the site.
Bookmark this website as it promises to “continuously develop and further enhance the syllabus and will keep adding new features.” They also want your feedback to improve the user experience for all visitors to the site.