Posts Tagged ‘diagrams’

Narrated, Interactive Math Tutorials

September 28th, 2020


It’s Monday, September 28, 2020, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Visual Math Learning


Age Range: 10-15 (Grades 5-10 with parental supervision)


This archived website provides free, interactive tutorials with diagrams, illustrations, animations and practice games and exercises for learning pre-algebra and algebra level mathematics.

When you get to the site you’ll see that the lessons that are divided into two sections:

  • I. Pre-Algebra: Numbers and Arithmetic
    • Natural Numbers
    • Counting
    • Number Bases
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Integers
    • Multiplication
    • Factors
    • Division
    • Fractions
    • Fraction Arithmetic
    • Inverses
    • Equivalence
    • Common Denominators
    • Decimals
  • II. Elementary Algebra
    • Basics of Sets
    • Relations
    • Functions
    • Equations
    • Substitution

Click on any lesson and enjoy a tutorial that includes narration, illustrations, interactive diagrams, and visual manipulatives to encourage active learning.

On the menu, you’ll also find interactive math “Exercises” and “Games” that will challenge students thinking skills and help them practice what they’ve learned from the lessons.

A Summer’s Worth of Printable Math Activities

June 24th, 2019


It’s Monday, June 24, 2019, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website: Cyberchase Math Activities


Age Range: 7-11 (Grades 2-7 approximately, with parental supervision)


This PBS website is a companion to Cyberchase, the Emmy Award® winning mathematics series for children. The website offers dynamic web games, videos, and printable activities that teach math concepts in a fun way that kids can understand.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the PBS show, the website explains:

In the world of Cyberchase, the dastardly villain Hacker is on a mad mission to overthrow Motherboard and take over Cyberspace with the help of his blundering henchbots, Buzz and Delete. But Motherboard enlists the help of three curious kids, Inez, Jackie, and Matt, and their cyberpal, Digit, to stop him. Their weapon: brain power. In the live-action segment following each animated episode, Harry and Bianca show kids how math can help solve life’s wacky problems in the real world.

To further help kids explore their world, the hands-on activities include a range of science, technology, engineering and math topics. When you get to the website, you’ll see an icon menu of printable activities that include: 

  • Batter Up – Track your favorite baseball team’s hits and look for patterns.
  • Bianca’s Body Math – Use math to learn which body parts are proportional.
  • Make a Pinwheel –  Make a pinwheel and use it to find out how windy it is.
  • Top Flight – Make paper airplanes and judge their flights to choose a winner.
  • And many more!

Click on any activity and a new page opens with complete instructions, diagrams, and illustrations to do the activity.

Bookmark this fun resource to help kids learn math, science, and more!

Virtually Sail Aboard USS Constitution

May 31st, 2019


It’s Friday, May 31, 2019, and time for a Virtual Field Trip at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

All Hands on Deck


Age Range: 5-18 (Grades K-12, with parental supervision)


Take a multi-media learning adventure aboard the USS Constitution (aka Old Ironsides) that incorporates language arts, reading, math, science, art, and social studies. Lessons are categorized by grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12.

When you get to the landing page of the website, we recommend that you watch the companion video (19 minutes long) that provides a sort of virtual field trip into the ship’s past. In the movie, a modern day ship visitor named Julie steps into a time-warp and meets characters from the ship’s past who tell their stories revealing the history and legacy of the USS Constitution.

Note: To download and watch the video, when you get to the website’s landing page, click on “Set Sail” and a new page opens. Click on “Table of Contents” and then click on “Video” on the left side of the screen. 

After watching the video, use the “Table of Contents” to explore the free curriculum that covers the USS Constitution‘s construction, the crew, and life aboard a 19th century warship. Discover the teamwork required to sail the ship and engage in battle.

The online curriculum has lessons and activities that require students to solve math problems, make maps and diagrams, and write essays and poems. You’ll find suggestions for getting started, vocabulary helpers, activity sheets to print out, and much more. You’ll also find: 

  • Recommended Resources – Get recommendations for further reading, fun field trips, movies, music, and games, and a list of items to have on hand.
  • Scuttlebutt – Enjoy humorous tales and interesting historical facts and anecdotes to extend the lessons.

This tribute to the legacy of the USS Constitution is designed for classroom use, but can be tweaked to suit any homeschool environment.

Visit a Virtual Piano Museum

April 20th, 2019


It’s Saturday, April 20, 2019, and time for Music at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Virtual Piano Museum


Age Range: 6 and up (Grades 1 and up; children with parental supervision)


Presented by Concert Pitch Piano Services in Toronto, explore the history and care of pianos with this simple-to-navigate website.

When you get to the site, browse the Museum by clicking on a piano next to a list of links including: 

  • Story of the Piano
  • A Brief History
  • Evolution
  • Invention
  • Pianos in the Home
  • Americans Take the Lead
  • Timeline: Chronological History
  • And more!

After perusing the museum lobby, be sure to check out the sidebar for even more discovery. Choose “Diagrams & Images” to: 

  • Learn to identify piano types
  • Examine the construction of a grand piano
  • View drawn animations of keys in motion
  • Find the serial number on a piano to help determine its age
  • Understand how to properly measure a piano
  • Identify worn and properly shaped piano hammers

And if you still want to dig deeper, check out the other links on the side bar: 

  • Story of the Piano
  • What’s Concert Pitch?
  • What’s a Pitch Raise?
  • Piano Tuning Facts
  • What’s Regulation?
  • What’s Voicing?
  • Piano Care Tips
  • And much more!

If you are interested in learning all about pianos, then this commercial website has a lot to offer.

Fun Math Games & Printables for Kids

April 1st, 2019


It’s Monday, April 1, 2019, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

Kids Math Games


Age Range: 5-13 (Grades K-8, with parental supervision)


We stumbled upon this ad-supported website that offers a wide variety of free, online, interactive math games, printable worksheets and quizzes, video tutorials and more!

This colorful site is user-friendly and engaging. Most kids will be enticed to try a game or two, or three, or more.

When you get to the site, you’ll see a brief introduction and the featured math topics that include: 

  • Numbers – Fun challenges related to numbers, patterns, fractions, decimals, etc.
  • Geometry – Learn about shapes, grids, weights, angles, rotation, and more.
  • Facts – Read interesting math facts and trivia.
  • Videos – Watch educational clips that teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and more.
  • Printable Worksheets – Includes addition, multiplication, fractions, etc.
  • Pictures – See math photos, images, and diagrams.
  • Printable Quizzes – Test your knowledge of division, decimals, money, basic algebra and more!

You’ll also find logic games, math riddles, board games, and math puzzles. This is a terrific resource that will enhance learning math. Bookmark it, to return often.

Free Interactive Math Courseware

February 18th, 2019


It’s Monday, February 18, 2019, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:



Age Range: 8-18 (Grades 3-12, with parental supervision)


This website offers free, interactive online courseware for learning math through activities, lessons, and discussions.

When you get to the site, look for the words “Guide to Interactivate.” Click on it for a complete explanation with illustrations on how to use this site. If it seems a little overwhelming, just look for the “Jump To” drop down list at the top of the screen. Click on it to access: 

  • Activities – Choose from a large menu of math activities including an algebra quiz, a Caesar Cipher for creating and decoding messages, an equation solver, color multiples in Pascal’s triangle, or have fun with Venn diagrams. Click on any one and a new page opens with the activity and instructions.
  • Discussions – Read instructional questions and answers between students and mentors about different areas of math including algorithms, Base 10, decimals, distributive property, multiplying and dividing fractions and much more.
  • Lessons – You’ll find lessons in a variety of mathematic strands including number and operations, geometry, algebra, probability and statistics. Click on any one and you’ll find the lesson plan that ties in with the activities that are included on this site.

Again, at first glance this site can seem overwhelming. Poke around a bit, try some of the activities, and read the tutorial (Guide to Interactivate) and it will all begin to make sense pretty quickly.

Bookmark this site – it’s a great way to supplement learning mathematics.
