Posts Tagged ‘chewing gum’

How Everyday Things Are Made

December 11th, 2018


It’s Tuesday, December 11, 2018, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

How Everyday Things Are Made


Age Range: All (All grades; children with parental supervision)


This website provides videos explaining the manufacturing process of everything from candy to airplanes.

Designed with kids and families in mind, the videos show how over 40 different products are made. It even explains manufacturing processes, like forging, casting, and injection molding.

When you get to the website you’ll see an introduction. Just click on the words, “How Everyday Things Are Made.” A new page opens with an introductory video that explains the easiest way to navigate the site. Don’t miss it, as it points out special features beyond the manufacturing videos, including a section with thought-provoking questions and a section called “Apply It” that gets you to use your reasoning skills to apply the knowledge you’ve gained at the site.

Bookmark this one, as you’ll want to return often to view all of the videos.

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How Products Are Made

This site contains 7 volumes that list various products from toys to industrial equipment and details the manufacturing process of each one through text and illustrations. As the introduction at the site explains, this site provides step by step descriptions of the assembly and the manufacturing process. Each product also has related information such as the background, how the item works, who invented the product, raw materials that were used, product applications, by-products that are generated, etc. For example, you can find here descriptions of Air Bag, Air Conditioner, Artificial Snow, Automobile, Battery, Blue Jeans, Chewing Gum, Coin, Compact Disc, plus many, many more!

When you get to the site you will see the menu for all 7 volumes. You can click on one of the volumes on the menu. A new page opens listing the products in that volume in alphabetical order. Select any one, click on it, and a new page opens. Careful, at the top of each page you will find “Google Ads” — scroll past them to get to the information about how the product is made.

Explore the American Package Museum

November 9th, 2018


It’s Friday, November 9, 2018, and time for a Virtual Field Trip at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:

The American Package Museum


Age Range: All (All grades; children with parental supervision)


This website was designed as an online art exhibit of early 20th Century package design.

Corporations brand their products in unique ways through packaging designs. This exhibit features photographs of packages that are no long in circulation – everything from Alka-Seltzer to Wrigley’s Spearmint Chewing Gum.

When you get to the site simply click on the words “Enjoy your visit to The American Package Museum” to start the slide-show. There are over 100 products so it can take some time to view them all. If you want to jump right to a particular product then click on “Index” on the menu bar to see a list of products. Click on a product name and the photo of the package pops right into view.

It’s fun to see the old product designs – a nostalgic trip down memory lane for some parents. If you have some of these same products in your home today, why not take them out of the cupboard and compare the packaging to what’s in this exhibit? It could lead to lots of discussion about art, design, and advertising – and what works and what doesn’t.

History of Chewing Gum!

September 22nd, 2011

Hi! It’s Thursday, September 22, 2011 and time for Social Sciences at ClickSchooling!
Recommended Websites:
See Below

Age Range: 8 and up (with adult supervision)

The following websites present the history of chewing gum and various popular and nostalgic brands. You can even watch video clips that show how gum is manufactured!


This ad-supported website offers free information about the history of gum from its invention to the modern day manufacturing process. When you get to the site, you can read the history of gum. Then use the horizontal menu at the top of the screen to explore:

*Chewing Gum Facts – Learn about the different types of gum, what happens when you swallow gum, and why chewing gum isn’t allowed in Singapore.

*Chewing Gum History – Find out if prehistoric man chewed gum, discover when bubble gum was invented, explore a chewing gum timeline, and read the biographies of gum inventors.

*Making Chewing Gum – Discover the ingredients used to make gum and watch two short videos that describe how regular gum is made and how bubble gum is manufactured!


This website offers the history of gum and information on gum ingredients. Don’t miss “How Gum is Made” – a terrific step-by-step illustration and explanation of the entire gum manufacturing process. And check out some fun facts about Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit and Spearmint gums.


This website offers a very brief but fascinating history of chewing gum and nostalgic brands of gum.  When you get to the site use the horizontal menu at the top of the screen to explore:

*The History of Gum – Follow the timeline to learn how a chance encounter lead to an idea that resulted in the start of the giant chewing gum industry! Learn the history of various brands including Dentyne, Chiclets, Bubblicious, and Trident.

*Story of Thomas Adams – Find out how a young photographer became the chairman of the board of the American Chicle Company.

Click on the “I Love Gum” logo in the middle of the menu bar to go back to the home page. There, you can click on the pictures of each stick of gum to learn more about:

  • Beemans – A gum invented in 1879 by Dr. Edward Beeman, a physician.
  • Black Jack – The first flavored chewing gum.
  • Adams Sours – This fruit-flavored sour chewing gum debuted in 1965.

Return to the menu at the top of the page to learn more about Cadbury Adams USA, one of the manufacturers of the nostalgic gum brands.
