Posts Tagged ‘cell structure’

Spring Unit Studies and Lesson Plans

March 18th, 2014


It’s Tuesday, March 18, 2014, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


The Teachers Corner


Age Range: All (with parental supervision)


The first day of spring is Thursday, March 20, and is generally considered to land on the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere. Spring lasts from the vernal equinox (in March) to the summer solstice (in June). Spice up the learning and make the most of the seasonal change with some spring lessons and activities!
This ad supported website was started in 1996 as a hobby by Jennifer Jensen and then she provided links to teacher resources on the internet. In 1998 she and her husband began to create their own resources and offer them free to teachers and parents. The Teacher’s Corner has continued growing and evolving and has maintained the goal to remain free and provide useful tools for teachers and parents.
When you get to the website, simply scroll down to see the plentiful selection of spring activities to choose from including several excellent science unit studies and lesson plans like these:

Science Unit Studies for various ages – 

  • Plant Seeds of Learning – Learning about scientific classification, plant cell structure, the importance of plants in our history, and the many uses of plants.
  • Weather – Unit includes lesson plans and literature.

Science Lesson Plan for all ages – 

  • Journey North American Robin – You can learn about the journey of the popular bird.

Activities that can be customized for most ages –

  • Kites – Resource for the easiest classroom kites.
  • Spring Word Search – You can create your own or use their word list.
  • Spring Word Scramble – You can create your own or use their word list.
  • Spring Crossword Puzzle – Create your own crossword or use their pre-made word/clue list.
  • Spring Printables – Journal pages and printable coloring pages.

As a bonus, they offer The Teacher’s Corner Resources for spring to help you decorate your walls with spring ideas!

This website, with a wealth of resources and information for teaching all subjects, has something for everyone – from thematic units, seasonal activities, lesson plans for all subjects and much more. Bookmark it and visit often!

Something to note is that the lesson plans and unit studies often offer links to other websites for additional information and ideas. We have not reviewed these other links and sites.

A Visual Dictionary

March 12th, 2014


It’s Wednesday, March 12, 2014, and time for Language Arts at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


The Visual Dictionary


Age Range: all (with parental supervision)


This website offers a free online Visual Dictionary. It’s different from a regular dictionary – instead of just word definitions, it provides colorful visual images that enhance the meaning of the words and concepts you explore. Concise textual definitions (in three languages) are included, but it’s secondary to the images.
When you get to the site, you’ll see an icon menu of the list of topics that are in The Visual Dictionary. We suggest you click on “List of Topics” on the menu tab because then you can see each topic area with a drop-down list of what it covers as follows:
*Vegetal Biology – See images (with text) that define and describe plant cell structure, structure of a leaf, leaf shapes, types of roots, flower germination, diagram of the stages of mitosis, fruits, vegetables, and much more.
*Animal Biology – Learn about the structure of a bacterial cell or an amoeba or paramecium, find out about the anatomy of an earthworm, starfish, jellyfish, snake, frog, fish, shark, fly, bee, cricket, spider, bird, bat, cat, dog, deer, gorilla and more.
*Human Biology – Explore cells, muscles, skeletal system, finger nails, parts of a tooth, nervous system, eyes, ears, nasal and oral cavities, digestive system, respiratory system, human heart, reproductive system, and more.
*Music – Discover a wide variety of instruments from around the world including Europe, India, China, Africa, and South America. Get info on percussion, wind, brass, and string instruments. Learn about music notation.
*Transport – Learn all about automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trains, boats, planes, hot air balloons, and rockets. Get details on engines, air filters, brakes, shock absorbers, tires, and more. Explore roads and bridges.
*Clothing – Everything you ever wanted to know about clothing and accessories including info on cultural differences in styles. Check out uniforms and costumes too!

In addition to the visual images in this dictionary, you’ll also find some videos that promote learning.

This is a great reference tool. Just exploring The Visual Dictionary is sure to springboard interest in a wide variety of topics. Bookmark it to return often!

Fantastic Cell & Science Animations!

July 24th, 2012

Hi!  It’s Tuesday, July 24, 2012 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:

Cells Alive!

Age Range: 12 and up (younger children may enjoy various aspects of this site)

This terrific, ad-supported site offers free animations, interactive and colorful illustrations, amazing photography, and interesting text to help visitors learn about the many forms and functions of cells. It was developed by a photographer with 30 years of experience capturing film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research.

When you get to the site, you’ll see a featured cell animation.  Use the menu to explore categories that include:

*Cell Biology – Learn about the structure of plant, animal, and bacterial cells that includes interactive animation of mitosis and meiosis, and a quiz to check your knowledge on cell structure and function.

*Microbiology – Get familiar with viruses, bacteria, and parasites from E.coli to strep to HIV – and take the quiz on microbes.

*Immunology – Don’t miss the anatomy of a splinter, the workings of allergies and mites, making antibodies, and take the quiz on the immune system.

*Microscopy – Get the scoop on the latest techniques for cell imaging and research and visit The Crystal Gallery for some eye-popping microscope images.

Under “Interactive” on the menu, you can examine cell models, view an animation of the cell cycle, watch the “Cell Cams” that let you see in real time how long it takes for cancer cells and bacteria cells to double. Solve some puzzles and take some quizzes too.

You can also purchase CD-ROMS and downloads, but no purchase is necessary to access the free content. 

This is a “must see” site for anyone studying the sciences in grades 7 and up. Younger students will find aspects of it interesting too -parents can preview the site to determine which parts will be of the most interest to their kids. Bookmark this site to return often.


Online Visual Dictionary

February 16th, 2011

Hi!  It’s Wednesday, February 16, 2011 and time for Language Arts at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
The Visual Dictionary

Age Range: All (with parental supervision)

This site was recommended on my Unpreschool Yahoo Groups discussion list – but it’s for learners of all ages. 

It offers a free online Visual Dictionary. It’s different from a regular dictionary. Instead of just word definitions, it provides colorful visual images that enhance the meaning of the words and concepts you explore. Concise textual definitions (in three languages) are included, but it’s secondary to the images.

When you get to the site, you’ll see an icon menu of the list of topics that are in The Visual Dictionary. I suggest you click on “List of Topics” on the menu tab because then you can see each topic area with a drop-down list of what it covers as follows:

*Vegetal Biology – See images (with text) that define and describe plant cell structure, structure of a leaf, leaf shapes, types of roots, flower germination, diagram of the stages of mitosis, fruits, vegetables, and much more. 

*Animal Biology – Learn about the structure of a bacterial cell or an amoeba or paramecium, find out about the anatomy of an earthworm, starfish, jellyfish, snake, frog, fish, shark, fly, bee, cricket, spider, bird, bat, cat, dog, deer, gorilla and more.

*Human Biology – Explore cells, muscles, skeletal system, finger nails, parts of a tooth, nervous system, eyes, ears, nasal and oral cavities, digestive system, respiratory system, human heart, reproductive system, and more.

*Music – Discover a wide variety of instruments from around the world including Europe, India, China, Africa, and South America. Get info on percussion, wind, brass, and string instruments. Learn about music notation.

*Transport – Learn all about automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, trains, boats, planes, hot air balloons, and rockets. Get details on engines, air filters, brakes, shock absorbers, tires, and more.  Explore roads and bridges.

*Clothing – Everything you ever wanted to know about clothing and accessories including info on cultural differences in styles. Check out uniforms and costumes too!
In addition to the visual images in this dictionary, you’ll also find some videos that promote learning.
This is a great reference tool. Just exploring The Visual Dictionary is sure to springboard interest in a wide variety of topics. Bookmark it to return often.



Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling

Biology for Kids

February 8th, 2011

Hi!  It’s Tuesday, February 8, 2011 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:

Age Range: 9 and up (approximately, with parental supervision)

This website is part of the 4Kids series of sites (some of which have been featured on ClickSchooling previously). This one, Biology4Kids is an ad-supported site that offers engaging information, activities and resources for learning Biology.

When you get to the site, directly below the headline, you’ll find a menu of the general categories that will take you to active learning pages and quizzes that include:

*Studies – Discover the Scientific Method, Logic & Reasoning, Animal Kingdoms, Taxonomy, Species and more.

*Cell Structure & Function – Learn about Membrane Proteins, Cell Walls, Chromosomes, Mitochondria, Vacuoles and find out the meaning of Passive Transport, Active Transport, Pinocytosis, Mitosis and Meiosis.

*Plants – Explore the anatomy of a plant and learn about Photosynthesis,  Reproduction, Mosses & Liverworts, Ferns & Horsetails, and more.

*Activities – Take quizzes to see what you’ve learned, and watch informative slide shows and videos.

*More Topics – This section contains a menu of everything available on the site as described above, plus information about:

  • Microorganisms – Check out microscopic images of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Lichen, Microbes and more.
  • Invertebrates – Get an overview of spineless critters such as Sponges, Starfish, Jellyfish, Round Worms, Insects, Spiders, Scorpions and more.
  • Vertebrates – Learn about Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals.
  • Animal Systems – Explore the Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Reproduction, and Nervous systems.

In each section of this website you’ll find information, illustrations, and diagrams along with quizzes, slideshows and videos to enhance learning.

If it’s all a little confusing, simply follow the “On Site Tour” by clicking on the button near the bottom of each page.  It will take you through all of the material on the site in a prescribed order.

While most of the links on this site work, I did run across a few that didn’t work. However, by clicking around a bit I could find my way to the page that the link referenced. 

IMPORTANT: It is very easy to mistakenly click on random Google Ads that are sprinkled throughout the text/pages on the site and wind up off site. It happened to me a couple of times. Therefore, AS ALWAYS, parents must preview and supervise use of the site at all times.



Diane Flynn Keith
for ClickSchooling

Free Biology Lessons & Lab Animations

June 15th, 2010

Hi!  It’s Tuesday, June 15, 2010 and time for Science at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:
Prentice Hall: Biology Place

Age Range: 10-18 (middle/high school biology)

ClickScholar Ozboz recommended this website, sponsored by textbook publisher Prentice Hall, that offers free biology lessons and lab animations. This multi-media resource can be used in conjunction with any basic biology textbook or curriculum, or as a fascinating exploration for the incurably curious. 

When you get to the website you’ll see a menu of three items:

*BioCoach – This section is designed for reviewing and enhancing biology information gleaned from textbooks and classroom lessons. However, the animations and interactive aspects really help all learners (including those outside classroom walls) to visualize and understand biological concepts including:

  • Biomembranes
  • Biomolecules
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Cell Structure and Function
  • DNA Structure and Replication 
  • Meiosis
  • Mitosis
  • Plant Structure and Growth
  • And more!

*LabBench – This is an interactive virtual lab that helps students further understand basic biology concepts. References are made to actual classroom lab activities (for example, an instruction to look at a slide under a microscope). However, the virtual lab offers a picture of what you would see if you were viewing the slide through a microscope. So, while you might not have the hands-on experience, you can still learn a lot. You can even take a quiz at the end of each lab to see what you retain. There are 12 labs in all that include:

  • Lab 1: Diffusion & Osmosis
  • Lab 2: Enzyme Catalysis
  • Lab 3: Mitosis & Meiosis
  • Lab 4: Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis
  • Lab 5: Cell Respiration
  • Lab 6: Molecular Biology  
  • Lab 7: Genetics of Organisms
  • Lab 8: Population Genetics
  • Lab 9: Transpiration
  • Lab 10: Circulatory Physiology
  • Lab 11: Animal Behavior
  • Lab 12: Dissolved Oxygen

*Glossary – Get definitions of biological words, terms, and phrases.

This is a good resource for introducing biology concepts, supplementing any study of biology, and it can be used to refresh your memory about biology course material as well.
