Archive for the ‘economics’ category

Math Through Worldometers & More!

November 17th, 2014


It’s Monday, November 17, 2014, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:




Age Range: 5-105 (Grades K-Adult; children with parental supervision)


This website provides world statistics updated in real time that is simply astonishing to see. There isn’t much to do at the site except watch the numbers change instantaneously. However, the more time you spend looking at the data, the more questions you ask, and the more things you learn! This is a veritable springboard to learning through addition.
When you get to the site you’ll see numbers flashing before you that represent the statistics on a variety of topics that include:
  • World Population – Watch the numbers advance on births, deaths, and the net population growth today.
  • Government & Economics – Watch the mind-boggling figures increase on expenditures in healthcare, education, and the military. Discover the number of cars, bicycles, and computers produced or sold this year.
  • Society & Media – Find out the number of book titles published, newspapers circulated, TVs and cellular phones sold, money spent on video games, and how many emails and blog posts are sent/made in a day.
  • Environment – Learn how many forests were lost, how many tons of carbon dioxide were emitted this year, or the species that have gone extinct and more.
  • Food – See the amount of food produced this year, the number of undernourished people in the world, number of overweight people, money spent on weight loss programs, etc.
  • Water – See how many people have no access to safe drinking water.
  • Energy – Discover the energy used in a day from renewable and non-renewable sources. See the number of days to the end of oil, gas, and coal.
  • Health – Get information about traffic fatalities, world spending on illegal drugs, number of cigarettes smoked today, deaths caused by malaria, cancer, AIDS, communicable diseases, etc.

If this doesn’t result in educational questions and discussions – I don’t know what will. Plus, it shows kids the practical use of math in the real world.

Don’t miss the “Foreign Language” component – you can view all of these statistics in languages from Arabic to Ukranian.

Economics Games Online!

August 18th, 2014


It’s Monday, August 18, 2014, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


International Monetary Fund


Age Range: 10-18 (Grades 5-12, with parental supervision)


Ride a time machine back several centuries to invest everything you have for a chance at phenomenal wealth!
All you have at the beginning of the game are chocolate candy, a gold pendant, a few coins, a paper monetary note, and some song lyrics scribbled onto a napkin. Invest them wisely, and you will learn about the history of money, what forms it took at various times in various countries, and how it developed into what we use today. Will your pocket full of miscellany really increase in value over time? Play this game to find out! At the end of the game, you will also get a brief explanation of what the IMF (International Monetary Fund) is, what its role is in international monetary exchange, and what it means to you when you travel to a different country.
When you have finished this game, you might like to try all of the other games available from the main site. (Scroll down the page a little to find them under Student Interactives.)
One of these games is called “Trading Around the World” – Decide which country you are from and trade with people from different countries. Try your hand at bartering and negotiating prices. Try to achieve various goals such as becoming very rich or acquiring an assortment of goods. You should come away from this game with an understanding of the work of the IMF with regard to trade barriers.
Another game is “Monetary Mania” as well as an informative video. Each game or activity includes the recommended grade range and a description.
You’ll also find Lesson Plans and Online Exhibitions. Everything on this website also comes with a Teacher Guide!

Free Literature Study Guides & More!

June 25th, 2014


It’s Wednesday, June 25, 2014, and time for Language Arts at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:




Age Range: 11 and up (Grades 6-adult; children, with parental supervision)


This ad-supported website, created by SparkNotes whose mission is “to help you make sense of confusing schoolwork”, looks much like ‘Cliff Notes’ but it’s free!

When you get to the site you will see a menu of free online study guides in a variety of subject categories. You can read most of the Study Guides for free online. They are punctuated with advertisements (some are distracting), but it’s a small price to pay for the free resource. To give you an idea of what you can expect in the field of Language Arts, you’ll find: 

  • Literature – A stunning array of free study guides for book titles spanning from “Across Five Aprils” to “Walden.” Pick a title, click, and a new page opens that contains the plot overview, character list, a chapter by chapter summary and analysis, study questions and essay topics, a quiz, and suggestions for further reading.
  • Shakespeare – The works of The Bard are summarized and analyzed by act and scene, and includes study questions, a quiz, and more.
  • Drama – Find summaries and analysis of plays by Edward Albee, Euripides, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O’Neill, and more. Explore the suggestions for further study.
  • Poetry – From Chaucer to Yeats read the summaries and analyses of the work of great poets and try the suggested activities.
  • Writing – A remarkable grammar glossary with easy-to-find answers on everything from proper usage of commas and semicolons to superlatives and more.

But there’s MUCH MORE beyond Language Arts! In the History category you’ll find study guides on important eras in American and European history along with biographies of people of historical importance. In Math and Science you’ll find guides to Algebra, Precalculus, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and more. Other subject areas include Film, Health, Philosophy, Psychology, and Economics.

Bookmark this website to keep for easy reference.

Free Vocabulary Lessons & Activities

April 23rd, 2014


It’s Wednesday, April 23, 2014, and time for Language Arts at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


Age Range: 8-16 (Grades 4-10, with parental supervision) offers a variety of free, interactive vocabulary development and enrichment activities including lesson plans, word searches, crossword puzzles, and quizzes.
The founders of, Jan and Carey Cook, wrote, “We began our efforts to promote vocabulary comprehension using Latin/Greek word derivations in 1997. Our site now has 2500 pages of materials, worksheets and puzzles. More than 24,000 teachers and schools use”

When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu in the center of the screen that includes:

*Root Word Lesson Plans – Get multiple lesson plans for various grade/difficulty levels that include practice exercises such as fill-in-the-blanks, match-games, crosswords, word finds, true/false and word stories.

*Thematic Puzzles – You’ll find calendar-themed vocabulary puzzles for holidays and events such as Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and more.

*Word Lists – Access hundreds of “A-Z” word lists by subject including animals, books, business/economics, fine arts, history/social studies, math, science, religion, sports, and general interest (from “avatar” to “vintner”). Use them to help students learn the definitions of new words, or as story-starters, or to identify parts of speech.

*Test Prep/Assessment – Try the practice activities for learning top SAT/ACT vocabulary words to get better test results.

The extensive content at this ad-free, self-paced website is a great resource to supplement vocabulary and language arts studies. It is based on state standards and is printable for use offline.

Hundreds of Free PreK-12 Lessons for all Subjects

February 20th, 2014


It’s Thursday, February 20, 2014, and time for Social Sciences at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


Learning Aisle


Age Range: 3-18 (Grades PreK-12, with parental supervision)


This website is your one-stop destination for hundreds of ready to use on-line lessons for students PreK-12 across all the core subjects!


With content fully licensed from eTap, and from well-known sources such as Khan Academy, PBS, the History Channel, and more, navigating this well-designed website is a breeze. The curriculum is organized into four levels: 

  • Grades
  • Subjects
  • Units
  • Lessons


After registering for your free account, simply select a grade and then chose your subject, for example Social Studies. Then you will be presented with currently available units which are broken down even further into lessons. The Social Studies units cover such concepts as: 

  • Civics
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • People of the World
  • State Studies
  • U.S. History
  • World History


Unit lessons can include illustrated learning text, associated videos, and printer friendly worksheets as well as quizzes and additional resource links. 


A valuable feature of this website is that you may add lessons, units, subjects, or whole grades to your own Study Room. Within the Study Room, create personalized Study Lists for your students by simply dragging and dropping items from your Study Room to study lists. Students can then conveniently access the lessons you have assigned to them by selecting their own Study List. Also, for lessons within your Study room, there is a discussion box available to “ask questions, post comments, send messages to anyone who is studying the same lesson”. 


Within your study room, you can quickly monitor your students’ progress by selecting “Progress Report”. If there are tests or quizzes available within a unit, these can also be easily monitored by selecting the “Quiz Report”.   


Because this website includes units not only for social studies but also for science, math, and language arts, Learning Aisle may quickly become your first stop when planning your studies.


Free Math Lessons from Khan Academy!

December 16th, 2013

Hi!  It’s Monday, December 16, 2013 and time for Math at ClickSchooling!

Recommended Website:

The Khan Academy

Age Range: 8-18 (grades 3-12, with parental supervision)

Many homeschoolers are fans of the non-profit Khan Academy that provides free, innovative, and engaging video tutorials on every strand of math and more. The brainchild of Salmon Khan (whose background is in math, computer science, and investment management), its goal is to provide a world-class education to everyone for free.

When you get to the site, click on “Learn” on the menu. A drop-down list of subjects will appear. Click on “Math” to find video lessons covering:

  • Arithmetic 
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Calculus
  • Differential Equations
  • Trigonometry 
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • SAT Preparation
  • Finance

You’ll also find informative courses in Science, Economics, Humanities, Computer Programming and more.

Mr. Khan’s explanations for his style of teaching is worth noting:

“I teach the way that I wish I was taught. The lectures are coming from me, an actual human being who is fascinated by the world around him…I don’t think any corporate or governmental effort–regardless of how much money is thrown at the problem–can reproduce this.

“A lot of my own educational experience was spent frustrated with how information was conveyed in textbooks and lectures. There would be connections in the subject matter that standard curricula would ignore despite the fact that they make the content easier to understand, enjoy, and RETAIN. I felt like fascinating and INTUITIVE concepts were almost intentionally being butchered into pages and pages of sleep-inducing text and monotonic, scripted lectures. I saw otherwise intelligent peers memorizing steps and formulas for the next exam without any sense of the intuition or big picture, only to forget everything within a matter of weeks. These videos are my expression of how the concepts should have been expressed in the first place, all while not compromising rigor or comprehensiveness.”

Mr. Khan is succeeding in his mission.

In addition to the instructional videos, visitors can log in and do problems online for further practice and comprehension. The program keeps track of your work and indicates what you’ve mastered and what needs more work.

This website is a brilliant demonstration of how to use technology to deliver a better, more meaningful education to everyone.
