Grades 6-12 approximately, with parental supervision
This website is a great place to get free and comprehensive literature study guides for a variety of notable books.
When you get to the site you’ll see an alphabetical menu of book titles. Simply click on the book of interest to you and a new page opens containing a brief synopsis of the book, related readings, and a link to the downloadable Study Guides (about 25-35 pages) in PDF format. Some of the book titles are:
- Animal Farm
- Beowulf
- The Call of the Wild
- Great Expectations
- Jane Eyre
- Pride and Prejudice
- The Scarlet Letter
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Where the Red Fern Grows
- and many more!
Click on the “Study Guide” and the PDF file opens (it may take a minute to fully download). The Study Guide is comprehensive for each book and includes classroom activities that can be easily tweaked for individual use including:
- A Focus Activity
- Vocabulary Preview
- Notes for Character Summarizations
- Questions that Prompt Literature Analysis
- Writing Assignments
- Interdisciplinary Connections to Science, History, and Social Studies
All of this is neatly formatted so that you can print out the activity pages separately or as an entire unit. The beauty here is that you can pick and choose the items that help your students get the most out of their reading experiences.