San Diego Zoo Videos and Webcams
All grades, with parental supervision
Visit some of the animals in the San Diego Zoo in California with the videos and webcams found at this website.
When you get to the site, you can see beautiful pictures of the animals in the zoo:
- Leopard
- Arctic Fox
- Camel
- Elephant
- Giraffe
- Hippo
- Koala
- Lion
- Monkey
- Penguin
- Reindeer
- Zebra
- And so many more!
You can click on each picture to read more about the animal.
Then under “Wildlife” in the top menu bar, you’ll find a link to the Live Cams and Videos. You’ll see many behind-the-scenes activities including a koala joey exam, penguins at the beach, and more.
Animal lovers of all kinds will enjoy visiting this website.