Emily Dickinson Museum: Emily Dickinson Poems, Activities, Lessons
All grades, with parental supervision
Thanks to ClickScholar Theresa for mentioning this Emily Dickinson Museum website that offers a view into the poet’s life, times, and work with free lessons, activities and much more!
When you get to the site you’ll see the featured events and news, as well as the “Poem of the Day.”
Use the menu at the top of the page to explore the site including:
- Emily Dickinson – Read her biography, learn about her childhood, youth, and her writing. See pictures of her home and the room where she wrote over 1,000 poems.
- The Museum – Get an overview of the exhibits and the various Dickinson family properties that influenced Emily’s poetry. Take a virtual video tour of the landscaped grounds.
- Education – Click on “Resources for Teachers” in this section to find suggestions on how to help students appreciate Dickinson’s poems. You’ll also find “Lesson Ideas” that explore language, interpret poetry, provide starter poems and writing assignments, and a set of lessons from the National Endowment for Humanities.