All grades, with parental supervision
Learn and practice French through lessons and games at this UK website.
From the information on the site, Beginner activities are for students age 5-11 and Intermediate activities are suitable for students 11 and up.
Using the site is fairly straight forward broken into steps:
Topics – Start by selecting the level in the first box, then whether you wish to study words or sentences. Next select from the list a lesson category. On the next page, choose the topic for your lesson.
Lessons – After a topic has been chosen, choose which option for the lesson you would like. Select “Full Tutorial” to go through the entire lesson. Choose “Introduction” and the page will scroll down to the interactive word list. Click the French word to hear it. Or, if your student is already familiar with the word list, select the “No tutorial thanks. Go to the Games” option to go straight to the topical games.
Games – have fun practicing what you have learned with a variety of interactive online games. There are nine different types of games:
- Mix and match – match pictures with the word
- The Beetle and the bee – Win strawberries by moving a beetle around the game field. When you hit a strawberry, a box opens revealing images and a word. Match the word with the correct image and win a berry.
- Pelmanism – Concentration game where the player matches the pictures and word
- Four in a row – Tic-Tac-Toe type game but in order to get the “X” you must match the word with the correct picture
- Hangman – classic game of guessing a letter to figure out the French word
- The frog flies – Move a frog around a game field to capture flies. Answer questions to win points.
- Sow grow – Match the audio of a word to the image. Correct answers help your flower grow.
- Spelling game – Select the correct spelling of the French word or phrase with the image shown.
- Rock fall – This is a fast-paced game where the player tries to “catch” a falling rock and then has to match the image with the correct word to win a point. Sounds easy enough but catching those rocks is difficult.
- Tests – a variety of tests to check the students’ knowledge of what they have learned.
This is a wonderful site for either starting to learn French or to practice learned skills. Be sure to bookmark to use throughout your language studies.