Nature Inspired Art and Artists

July 27th, 2021 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

A Natural State


Grades K-12 with most suited for middle school and up, with adult supervision This web presentation from the state of South Carolina explores how people are inspired by nature to shape, twist, carve, and weave materials collected from the landscape into works of art.

Interviews with natural artists from various geographical zones of South Carolina are included on the site along with samples of their work.

The website provides free virtual workshops with step-by-step instructions and illustrations on how to make artwork using natural materials such as clay, pine needles, branches, vines, acorns, nuts, flowers, leaves, rocks, shells, and more. Click on “Workshops” to see a menu of projects that include:

Dyes and Dyeing

Bentwood Trellis Making


Kudzu Basket Weaving


Coiled Clay Pottery

Paper Making

Pine Needle Baskets

Click on any one to access a very clear presentation with instructions on how to create that object.

The site also offers “Science – Teacher Resources” with many educational videos and more.


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