It’s Monday, October 26, 2020, and time for Math at ClickSchooling!
Recommended Website:
Motivate – Maths Enrichment for Schools
Age Range: 11-17 (Grades 6-12, with parental supervision)
This archived site from the University of Cambridge presents downloadable multimedia explorations of how math relates to real life issues such as nutrition, disease, vaccinations, and the economics of health. The math topics covered include percentages, graphs, probability, equations, contingency tables, tree diagrams and much more!
When you get to the site you’ll see a description of what’s provided on the site. Click on the links under the title “Multi-Media Packs” to get to the engaging math activities that answer questions such as:
- Is eating bacon sandwiches bad for you (or are the statistics misleading)?
- How do mathematical models make predictions about epidemics?
- What are the odds that you test positive for something and the test is wrong?
Explore these and other health-related questions from a mathematical perspective.
You can also do an in-depth study of “Babylonian Maths” that hone skills in number and place value, multiplication, division, inverses, shape, and symmetry.
If you still want more, click over to the “Cross-Curricular Resources” section to find correlations between mathematics and art, geography, history, music, science, sports and more. Some of the videos (VCs) in this section don’t work any more, but there are plenty of good suggested activities to stimulate learning over a wide variety of subjects.