Free Environmental Science Journals for Middle Schoolers

April 22nd, 2014 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »


It’s Tuesday, April 22, 2014, and time for Science at ClickSchooling!


Recommended Website:


The Natural Inquirer


Age Range: 10-14 (Designed for grades 6-8, but there are aspects of these journals that will appeal to a much broader age/grade range. All children with parental supervision)


Happy Earth Day! This website offers a FREE science education journal titled, “The Natural Inquirer,” in which scientists with the USDA Forest Service share their research with middle school students. Each article in every issue explains research being conducted on trees, wildlife, insects, and water.
Each issue of “The Natural Inquirer” introduces students to the scientists who conduct the environmental research and includes an article on a specific research project. The article, as explained at the website, is “written in a way that scientists write when publishing their research in journals.” Topics include:
  • Climate Change
  • Invasive Species
  • Relationship Between Carbon, Photosynthesis, and Roots of Trees
  • Urban Forests
  • Tropical Biomes
  • Rocky Mountains
  • Natural Resources
  • And more!

Each issue also contains a “Discovery FACTivity” designed to help students learn scientific vocabulary words included in the articles. There are also discussion questions designed to help students think more about research.

When you get to the site you’ll see a brief introduction, information on the latest issue of “The Natural Inquirer,” and scrolling below that will reveal a few new free resources:
  • Download the first series of scientist cards and posters – These cards are an excellent tool for teaching students about different types of science and scientists and can be printed and used offline. There is also an accompanying lesson plan designed to encourage students to use their imagination and envision themselves as scientists while they explain and present their understanding of the Natural Inquirer Scientists’ Card Series to their peers.
  • A few items for Pre-K and 1st grade – Find coloring sheets and activity sheets available for Pre-K through 4th grade.

On the left side of the screen choose from the drop-down menu:

  • View & Order Issues: This is where you can access all the archived issues. Some issues are also offered in Spanish!
  • Education Resources: Put your cursor over this menu item to see a drop-down list by age group, that includes a glossary, games and activities, podcasts, slideshows, lesson plans and more that are themed around topics covered in various issues of “The Natural Inquirer.” This is a treasure trove of environmental learning resources!

Bookmark this one, as you’ll need to visit many times to explore the vast content!


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