Virtual Tour of Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

July 18th, 2008 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Recommended Website:
Monticello Explorer

Age Range: 8-17 and beyond (Grade Range 3-12)

ClickScholar Nancy Hogan suggested this website that provides a variety of multi-media opportunities to explore the home where Thomas Jefferson (3rd U.S. President) lived on a plantation in Virginia. The home is called Monticello. At the site you can virtually explore the plantation, house, gardens and grounds.

When you get to the website you’ll see a menu with five choices listed under two categories as follows:

  • EXPLORE (Use interactive maps.)
    • Explore the Plantation – Use an interactive map to randomly explore the 5,000 acre plantation, buildings, and grounds.
    • Explore the House – Use an interactive 3-D map to navigate the hallways, rooms, and floors of Jefferson’s mansion.
  • TOUR (Take a multi-media, narrated tour.)
    • General House – This is a terrific way to see Monticello. Join a curator who narrates the video tour of the mansion, explaining the furnishings, and telling stories that bring it all to life.
    • Domestic Life At Monticello – This narrated video tour explains the history of the Jefferson family and the enslaved families (including the Hemings family) that lived on the plantation for several generations.
    • Gardens and Grounds – This audio-video tour of the grounds is punctuated with beautiful photography and interesting explanations about horticulture and the cultivation of specialized plants, as well as Jefferson’s fascination with native plants.

All along the explorations and tours, you will find related materials to further learning. There are so many clickable functions to explore the site, that you may need to be patient occasionally as various presentations are downloaded for viewing. Bookmark the site, as it will take some time to investigate this expansive historical collection of images and information about the life and times of Thomas Jefferson.


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