– One of the BEST Science Websites!

July 25th, 2006 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Recommended Website:

I think today’s site could easily become one of my all-time favorites. delivers biographies of scientists, chemistry and physics news, information about inventors and their inventions, fun science projects, and interesting articles punctuated with experiments that improve knowledge about biology, the human body, technology, animal kingdoms, and environments.

It’s all done in a “light” manner — that is, the material is written in a way that informs while it entertains. The site has material for ALL ages. They do offer a special section for kids — but much of the material in other sections of the site is fascinating and would interest kids too.

So, I recommend (as always) that parents preview the material to determine what sections of the site have suitable content for your kids interests, needs, and abilities.

When you get to the site you will see a brief introduction followed by some featured science articles. Use the menu on the left to go directly to areas of interest that include:

  • Animals — Find out if brown recluse spiders have gotten a bad rap and learn why the hammerhead shark’s head is in the shape it’s in. Learn about Prairie Dogs, Bats, Eels, Ring-tail Cats and find out if Polar Bears are in danger of becoming extinct.
  • Biographies — Learn about the lives and work of physicists, mathematicians, engineers, inventors and other science-types.
  • Biology — Read some really fascinating and curious articles answering questions such as: Can green pond scum suffer jet lag? Can scientists make mice “glow” using a firefly protein? Do tiny bugs inside of mealybugs have bugs inside of them? Can honey heal wounds?
  • Chemistry — Discover how scientists trap hydrogen gas in ice cages, find out why it’s no coincidence that turning animal skins into hides is called “tanning,” and find links to REALLY COOL chemistry sites that kids of all ages will enjoy.
  • Kids To 12 — Find terrific articles with fun activities that help kids understand scientific concepts and principles through topics such as: The International Space Station, Newton’s Laws of Gravity, Light, Sound, Comets, and even learn about mirages.
  • Projects & Experiments — This is geared for all ages and includes unusual fare such as the Chinese water torture experiment, making cave stalactites and stalagmites, creating flash dancers with static electricity, making cryogenic roses, and links to all kinds of fun science websites with more projects.

You will find similar fascinating fare on General Science, Physics, Quantum Physics, Geology and more. There are fun facts and interesting side bars throughout the site that will boost your knowledge of science and the world.

Bookmark this one as you’ll want to return often.


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