A “Beary” Different Way to Explore History

May 11th, 2006 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

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Now here’s a “beary” different way to explore history! This company produces teddy bears. They have a whole series of collectible teddy bears based on “heroes” in history. To encourage learning, they provide FREE biographies of these “heroes” along with lesson plan ideas and resources for further study about them at the website. You don’t have to purchase anything to access the information — although, I’ll warn you in advance, the teddy bears might be hard to resist. :)

I put the word “heroes” in quotation marks because one person’s historical hero is another’s historical despot. While you may disagree with the “hero” designation given to some of the historical figures featured at the site — it’s a great impetus for having a conversation with your kids about what constitutes a hero.

When you get to the site, you’ll see a menu of the 12 featured “heroes” that includes:

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Thomas Edison
  • William Shakespeare
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Florence Nightingale
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Henry VIII
  • Robert E. Lee
  • Sacagawea
  • Ulysses S. Grant
  • Wolfgang A. Mozart

Click on any one to read their brief biography, see pictures and photos of them, see a timeline of their life events, find book recommendations about their lives and times, and find links to more information about them.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to find a menu that includes “Lesson Plans” for activity ideas to reinforce learning.

This is elementary grade level — however, the resources and links for further learning are useful for higher grades as well.


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