Today In Literature!

May 4th, 2005 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Recommended Website:
Today In Literature

I must thank list member Theresa Kempker for suggesting today’s website. Theresa has a Master’s in English Ed and when she learned that finding good Language Arts sites was the most challenging aspect of ClickSchooling for me, she responded with lots of terrific resources that I will share with all of you in the weeks to come. :)

Today’s website is one you’ll want to bookmark — as you can visit the site every day of the year to read the biography of an author who is featured that day. The biographies are supplemented with links to websites where you will find further biographical information, the writer’s works, and other reference materials.

HEADS UP: While each of these stories is archived at the site, you have to purchase a subscription/membership (1 year = $20) in order to access the full bio after the date it is featured. Nevertheless, through the archive you can still access a mini-bio with links to other sites that provide further information on a given author at any time, and at no charge.

When you get to the site you will see:

  • Today’s Story — This is the FREE featured story of the day. Includes a biography of the author with links to their works and reference materials about their work.
  • Recent Stories — An archive of previously featured authors at the site. In order to read the full biography that was previously featured, you much purchase the annual subscription for $20. HOWEVER, you can still read a mini-bio and click on links to websites with further info about the author for FREE.
  • Selected Writers — An archive of biographies on authors of classic literature, international authors, and poets. If you click on the name of an author, a new page opens with links to the author’s life story (to read it in full you have to subscribe). But wait! Scroll below that and you’ll find a list of “Selected Works” by the author (and a link to purchase them), “Selected Books” about the author (and a link to purchase them), and then JACKPOT — “Recommended Links” with hyperlinks to other websites that provide FREE bios, information, and activities about the author and their work. (Most of the links are good, but some of the websites are better than others, so be prepared to surf a little to find the optimum resource for your family.)

You can use the site to provide a quick Language Arts lesson for students of all ages on any given day of the year. While students in middle school and up can certainly read the featured biography of the day, parents of young children can research a favorite author such as Hans Christian Andersen, J.K. Rowling, Margaret Wise Brown, Beatrix Potter, or Kenneth Grahame and share the info with their children before or after reading a story by that author.

Again this is a terrific resource site that will enhance any Language Arts curriculum — or just provide good information on authors and poets of interest to you and your children.


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