Virtual Field Trip to a Trans-Himalayan Camel Expedition

September 10th, 2004 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Recommended Website:
The Caravan of Light

At this website teachers and students are invited to virtually follow along with adventurers, researchers and educators on a 1400 mile expedition by camel from Bikaner, India, through Kathmandu, Nepal, and over the Himalayas to Lhasa, Tibet. The adventure began on August 28, 2004 and ends December 3, 2004. (If you visit the site today, you can read the latest humorous entry about the expedition team’s effort to purchase camels!)

Reports from the trail are filed via the Internet at the website, and then complemented with information and activities geared to elementary and middle school curriculum requirements that are archived at the website.

Students can follow the caravan’s progress in the Maps section of the website, read the Trip Journal entries of the expedition team, and use the “Learning Center” section of the site to discuss topics such as geography, culture, environment, biology, botany, entomology, animal behavior, and science. You can also find answers to questions such as: “How long can a camel go without water?” “Do tigers pose hazards along the route?” “Are there really abominable snowmen?”

The Caravan of Light offers a great way for families to explore a whole new part of the world in the comfort of their own home.


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