Valentine’s Day Card Historical Gallery

February 14th, 2002 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Recommended Website:
Valentine’s Gallery

At this website you can explore the history of Valentine’s Day cards. It is a virtual gallery of Valentine’s Day cards through the ages. When you get to the site there is a brief history of the Valentine’s Day greeting card, and then samples of valentines dating back to 1879.

The small sample pictures are accompanied by a bit of text that describes the card, tells the date the card was produced, and reveals the message in the card.

Click on each small valentine to see an enlarged photo showing all of the intricate details and patterns of the cards. Some are works of art — others are whimsical and funny. There are 7 pages of Valentine’s Cards to look at — and because of the graphics it may take a minute to load each page. Your patience will be rewarded with a wonderful overview of Valentine’s greetings through the ages.


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