Favorite History Site – Ancient Egypt

January 4th, 2001 by ClickSchooling Leave a reply »

Continuing with the top picks for the year 2000….many of you wrote to say some of your favorite sites in 2000 were history sites. Here’s a site that ClickSchooling identified as one of the best history sites about Ancient Egypt that we’d seen, and one that list members also confirmed as one of their favorite sites in 2000…

Recommended Website:
Ancient Egypt Webquest

Here’s one of the best sites we’ve seen designed to help elementary and middle school students learn about Ancient Egypt! Kids go to this site and accept a Quest to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt (circa 1250 B.C.).

The student can accept one or all of several missions to find clues that will eventually allow him or her to find the burial mask of King Tut that contains a secret message on the inside. The student uses a hieroglyphics decoder to decipher the message. During the course of these missions students learn about ancient Egyptian daily life (especially the lives of children), Egyptian mummies, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, King Tut (Tutankhamen), Egyptian games, and Archeology.

Parents/Educators will appreciate the curriculum suggestions here – designed by a teacher to enhance the study of Ancient Egypt. You will also find lesson plans, unit studies and even ideas for having an ancient Egyptian party!

Kids will love the interactive design of the quest and missions as it allow them the opportunity to pick and choose the topics they are most interested in exploring – and they can combine website research with reading suggested books, and engaging in the innumerable activities that span every subject from writing to math to science.

Students can also click on ancient Egyptian stories, fun facts about Egypt, galleries that will show them photos of ancient artifacts, word searches and crossword puzzles, coloring books, sounds of Egypt, Egyptian math, food, maps, pets, and more than you can imagine about mummies, pyramids, and hieroglyphics.

This is a user-friendly, fun, and comprehensive educational website. One of the best!


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